Thursday, August 2, 2007

Looking forward

There are 54 game left in the season, so it's about time to take another look at the schedule and see where the Red Sox stand. The Sox are current 66-42 to the Yankees 58-50. Before we go on lets look at the teams both have to play over the next month:

Red Sox:
3 - Seattle (.557) 1.617
4 - Chicago Sox (.454) 2.575
10 - Baltimore (.467) 4.67
12 - Tampa Bay (.383) 4.596
7 - LA Angels (.585) 4.095
6 - New York (.537) 3.222
6- Toronto (.495) 2.97
2 - Oakland (.472) 0.944
4 - Minnesota (.514) 2.056

6 - Boston (.611) 3.666
6 - Kansas City (449) 2.694
10 - Toronto (.495) 4.95
3 - Cleveland (.565) 1.695
9 - Baltimore (.467) 4.203
8 - Detroit (.570) 4.56
3 - LA Angels (.585) 1.755
6 - Tampa Bay (.383) 2.298
3 - Seattle (.557) 1.671

So looking at that, we can see that the Yankees have a more difficult end to the season. Their opponents winning percentage is about 51%, while the Sox are around 49%. Not only this is working in the Red Sox favor, but the fact that their lead is so big. An 8 game lead with 54 games remaining is actually huge. If the Red Sox play .500 baseball from here on out they will have a record of 93-69. For the Yankees to surpass them they would need to win 36 of their last 54 games. If the Red Sox play at the pace they are currently at, 99-63, the Yankees would need to win 42 of the last 54, a .778 winning percentage. This is almost impossible for any team, even the Yankees. Red Sox fans should starting looking forward to October.

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