Monday, August 13, 2007

Drew surging again

Not a lot of good news to report after a bad weekend for Red Sox nation. One trend that is promising is the revival of J.D. Drew. If you read this frequently, you will know that i am a huge Drew fan. I think he has the most talent on this team, outside of Manny. Sadly, he has done nothing this season to show that besides an amazing June. I, among many others, thought it was the turning point for him. That ended up being wrong. Struggling mightily in July, many people started to bitch and moan again. Well, it's about time to jump back on that band wagon. In August, Drew is hitting .433/.500/.600. Apparently, Scott Boras might have something to do with this recent success. Whatever is the cause, I'm expecting it to continue. If it doesn't, feel free to call me out on it.

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