Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Christina Kahrl BP Chat

I'm going to try to condense the chats that BP and ESPN do into information about/relate to the Red Sox. So here are the Red Sox highlights of the chat:

"ekanenh (NH): Why are Red Sox shortstops like Spinal Tap drummers?

Christina Kahrl: Because they never gave Vern Stephens his due props. Anger one of the few worthwhile Browns (talk about 'we few, we unhappy few'), and I'm sure there's some sort of curse involved."

"jmurph79 (DC): Is it time for Lester to push Tavarez to the bullpen?

Christina Kahrl: If not now, soon."

"phil44 (Boston): How much more time does Coco Crisp have? Between Pena, Ellsbury and even Brandon Moss, there's got to be a smarter arrangement/platoon in center than just automatically penciling him in there every day. Could an offense/defense platoon a la the Earl Weaver Orioles work here?

Christina Kahrl: You'd have to hope so, no? I'd like to see a job-sharing arrangement of some sort, because it certainly seems as if you'd have to be cuckoo for Coco to puff away that much playing time on an offensive millstone.

That said, Earl's offense/defense platoons worked the other way around--the glove guys like Belanger and Blair got most of the playing time, and he plugged in the bats either later in-game or as needed."

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